Let EnviroTemp Help You Unlock Thousands in Untapped Profits

Air Conditioning Service & Sales companies can become an EnviroTemp Authorized Dealer for as little as $2,600 per month which includes EnviroTemp product for resale to the value of $6,400, Social Media advertising and ongoing product support and training.
EnviroTemp offers an all-inclusive online or onsite Training Program, with videos, installation manual and spec sheets that will teach our new dealers how to recommend the EnviroTemp repair and prove the results on the spot. Many of our dealers now offer EnviroTemp through various means such as on-the-spot recommendations to homeowners when servicing a system, SMS marketing, through telephone sales and through value-adding on new installations. Start recommending EnviroTemp and you can significantly increase your weekly profits, customer satisfaction and loyalty.
After you have completed our Training Program and Phase In period you will be listed as a Dealer on the EnviroTemp website and participate in our Social Media advertising targeting customers in your specific geographic area.
EnviroTemp Dealers Make More Money
EnviroTemp Dealers enjoy all the benefits below and more:
Significant profits with little extra work.
Strengthen margins.
Greater customer satisfaction.
Competitive edge.
Attract more customers.
Ongoing sales and marketing support.
Access to tech support.
Special ongoing offers on products and tools.
Dealer Listing on the EnviroTemp website.
Opportunity to generate leads from Dealer Listing on EnviroTemp website.
Participation in Social Media advertising.
By becoming an Authorized Dealer, you will open new types of revenue streams that will increase your business and bottom-line profits. EnviroTemp is the only proprietary product on the market today that that can repair an AC system suffering from issues related to oil clogging.
Several of our dealers increase their profits further by on-selling EnviroTemp to industry colleagues under a EnviroTemp sub-Dealer arrangement.
Call 1300 78 88 98 today for any questions or for additional information regarding our EnviroTemp Dealer Program and before you know it you will be enjoying bigger profits and greater customer satisfaction.