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For users of refrigeration, maintaining the cold chain is vital to production, storage and consequently profits, often, this comes at the expense of high energy consumption.​

Efficiency in industrial processes, especially with today’s high energy costs, is considered one of the more important bases for economic competitiveness and growth.  Maintaining the efficiency of refrigeration plant that is at best already energy hungry has multiple approaches, some can be costly such as replacement of equipment others can be quite cost effective without significant capital expenditure.


Refrigeration plant, due to typical production demands is already energy hungry and often represents a significant portion of a site’s total energy consumption.   This has opened the flood gates for numerous types of energy saving solutions that claim one thing or another to help drive down energy consumption. 


A word of caution, regardless of what energy and performance solution you are using or may have considered, an issue that is common to all refrigeration equipment and will remain an issue for the life of your unit, is oil carryover.  Oil carryover occurs during the refrigeration cycle, creating an accumulation of unwanted oil trapped within the condenser and evaporator where it then clogs the surfaces and restricts the refrigerant’s ability to efficiently transfer heat.  This causes your system to be much more energy hungry as it must run for longer periods to achieve your required level of cooling. 

EnviroTemp in Large Refrigeration


The loss of a refrigeration systems performance (efficiency) because of oil carry-over can be quite significant and warrants your immediate attention.  This graph shows the relationship between oil within the evaporator and the corresponding performance loss.

Chiller Performance Loss Graph v2.png


Oil carryover is a significant problem requiring immediate attention.  It is affecting how much energy your system requires and how much performance it can produce.  Oil carryover can be reduced with proper filtration, but it cannot be overcome, therefore UNLESS you take action to repair this problem, oil carryover will continue to rob your system long into the future of whatever energy and performance efficiency it may have left.  An immediate repair should be at the top of the priority list.  

Delays to repairing your system will add unnecessary risk to your production capabilities, cause unnecessary wear and tear, waste more energy, compromise your performance, and leave you with greater risk of a breakdown or complete system failure.


Your Heat Transfer Now

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Copper Tubing - BEFORE.png
Oil (Black) circulating with refrigerant (Blue) continues to clog & contaminate surfaces.
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EnviroTemp is a highly conductive oil-based product which is added directly into refrigeration systems oil circuit.  Once in, molecules of EmviroTemp it will carry over with the refrigerant into the condenser and evaporator where it will replace the oil attached to the surface with its thermo-conductive molecular structure.  Once EnviroTemp molecules are attached, they will prevent further accumulations, resulting in better performance, capacity, and energy efficiency.

EnviroTemp is safe, will not harm your system, provides long term protection and fast ROI’s. In most cases, a top-up of EnviroTemp is only needed when new oil is added into the system.  As the new oil being added does not contain EnviroTemp’s thermo-conductive molecular structure, we recommend a 1% ratio of EnviroTemp to new oil being added.  This will allow the circulating oil to act as an ongoing vitamin to your system.


Your Heat Transfer With EnviroTemp

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EnviroTemp has been performance tested to the following standards

  • ANSI/AHRI Standard 340/360-2007 with Addenda 1 & 2

  • ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009

  • GB/T77725-1996

  • ANSI/ASHRAE58 & ISO5151

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Updated | March 11, 2025

Copyright 2024 Dos Amigos Pty Ltd T/A EnviroTemp ABN 80 666 816 959

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